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WPCA Approved Minutes 10/04/2011, Regular Meeting

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Edward Havens, Jr. and William Vees

Members Absent:         Frank Ferrero and Carol Fletterick

Alternates Absent:      Nancy Mulroy and Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          Michael J. Gantick, Director of Public Works
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others Present:         Scott Waitkus, BVH Intergrated Services
                                Fred Morris, Perkins Eastman
                                David Fresk, Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)    

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the October 4, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).


        1.      September 6, 2011, Regular Meeting

                Motion was made to accept the minutes of the September 6, 2011 Regular Meeting as presented.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      CREC “International Magnet Elementary School”, L007 Long Hill Road
                (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works was in attendance and provided the Authority with a Memorandum dated October 4, 2011 (Exhibit A).  This memorandum includes comments to the Applicant’s engineer.

Mr. Scott Waitkus from BVH Intergrated Services was present to represent the application for Capitol Region Education Council (CREC); Mr. Fred Morris of Perkins Eastman and Mr. David Fresk of (CREC) were also in attendance.  Mr. Waikus explained that he revised their plans to reflect the changes that were recommended by Town Engineer.

This application consists of the construction of a 64,300 square feet school to be known as “CREC International Magnet Elementary School”; which will accommodate approximately 435 students and 65 staff.  The school is on a multi level floor; there is an existing sanitary easement that runs from Long Hill Road through the site to the main sanitary line that runs in Chapel Road.  

As part of this application, the applicant is proposing a cafeteria including a 2,000 gallon grease trap along with the sanitary lateral for the facility.  The proposed grease trap is designed in accordance with the FOG Regulation of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).  The calculations for the proposed grease trap have been provided to the Town Engineer, Jeffrey Doolittle, as well as the average daily flow velocities for the design of the sanitary system.  It is the Town’s requirement to have a 2% minimum flow, however, due to the building footprint layout and site topography, and in order to have sanitary discharges from the lower level; the applicant is proposing a 1% slope in an 8 inch pipe.  The design of the sanitary system includes approximate 2.7 feet per second velocity through the sanitary pipe for a flow which is roughly 1.7 or 1.8 feet per second velocity for average flow for the system.
Mr. Waitkus explained that the Town Engineer has concerns in regards to structures inside the sewer easement; he explained that there are two light pole bases which will be moved out of the sewer easement; however, there is a catch basin in the line of the easement.  Mr. Michael Gantick responded that their concern is that there is an existing cross country line that the Town needs to maintain; any structure within it may create an issue.
Chairman Aries explained that the Authority will approve this application under the following conditions: the uniquely challenging grade of the site; the use of large diameter piping; and numerous manholes, as well as taking into consideration the angle in which the proposed school sanitary sewer lateral intersects the current sewer main in Chapel Road.  There will be cleanout manholes in multiple locations and the applicant is responsible for the maintenance of their pipe.

Motion was made to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a proposed CREC- Magnet Elementary School located at L007 Long Hill Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitle CREC-International Magnet School for Global Citizenship, South Windsor” ; Prepared by Perkins Eastman, Stamford, CT  06901; “Site Utility Plan-Overall” Sheet No. C5.0, Dated 9/13/2011, and subject to the following condition: (1) Given the topography (grading) of the site; the use of an 8 inch lateral pipes, and the numerous manholes, the Authority approved the proposed slope of 1%.

The motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson

The motion was amended to include that the proposed grease trap needs to be in compliance with all of the DEEP FOG Regulations.  

The motion reads as follows:

Motion was made to approve the application as presented for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a proposed CREC - Magnet Elementary School located at L007 Long Hill Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitle CREC-International Magnet School for Global Citizenship, South Windsor” ; Prepared by Perkins Eastman, Stamford, CT  06901; “Site Utility Plan-Overall” Sheet No. C5.0, Dated 9/13/2011, and subject to the following conditions: (1) Given the topography (grading) of the site; the use of an 8 inch lateral pipes, and the numerous manholes, the Authority approved the proposed slope of 1%; (2) The proposed grease trap needs to be in compliance with all of the DEEP FOG Regulations; (3) Technical approval of the Town Engineering Department; (4) Final Authority approval and acceptance of the sanitary sewerage connection will be conditional upon the installed sewer line having been inspected by the Town staff, and upon the written verification of the Town staff that said sanitary sewer line was installed in substantial conformance with the design plans approved by the Authority, and meeting all regulations and appropriate technical specifications relating to sanitary sewer construction.

Mr. Michael Gantick also reported that based upon the developed acreage and WPCA Regulations, a connection fee will be determined.

The motion was amended by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Michael Gantick reported that the construction phase for the Treatment Plant is proceeding well and the project is about 91 to 92% substantially completed.  The town has begun to collect the concentrated liquid wastewater sludge and transport it to MDC for disposal; the project is on time and on budget.

Mr. Joseph Carino asked Mr. Gantick what is the anticipated life expectancy of the new Treatment Plant.  Mr. Gantick responded that probably 40 years; however there are different components with different life expectancies.

The project is progressing in a safe manner; no injures has been reported recently at the site.  At previous meetings, Mr. Fred Shaw has reported that there was a minor injury to a worker who has pulled a back muscle.  Mr. William Vees is interested in knowing how many work days the employee lost after the injury.

        2.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

                The Town’s Consulting Engineer is in the process of reviewing the drawing submittals for the pump station buildings.

        3.      Sewer System Evaluation Project (Progress Report)

A copy of the preliminary progress report for the sanitary sewer system evaluation provided by Wright-Pierce was distributed (see Exhibit B).  As previously reported, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) granted the preliminary approval of the engineering scope of services.  Mr. Michael Gantick reported that the Town staff is working with DEEP to obtain the 55% grant for the study phase.  He also reported that the Town’s contractor did the first phase of the TV inspections of the concrete gravity sewer main, as more specified in the map (Exhibit C); the parts in yellow represent what they have studied.  It was determined that there are some sections of sewer that need immediate attention and some of them that will last longer.  Also, there is significant corrosion of the pipe fifty feet going from the manhole back into the force main on Chapel Road.

Wright-Pierce engineers also evaluated the force main on Clark Street to determine its conditions and the preliminary review of the report indicates that there are no leaks or problems within the piping.  However, they are still in the process of making what is called a pipe coupon which means cutting out a section of the outside of the pipe to determine its condition and make representations concerning its useful life expectancy; they will also do soils sampling.  Mr. Gantick explained that there is a manufacture defect nationwide for this type of piping.  

Mr. Joseph Carino expressed that in looking at the map (Exhibit C) he does not see a gravity line going to Clark Street, only to Chapel Road.  And at the last WPCA meeting he had asked Mr. Fred Shaw why does an extensive study on the Clark Street pipe need to be done; and Mr. Fred Shaw responded because both pipes were made out of concrete.  Mr. Michael Gantick confirmed that the pipe that failed on Chapel Road is a gravity line and the Clark Street is a force main; however, they are both made of concrete.  Wright-Pierce will provide a more formal report to the Authority in the near future.

        4.      Sewer Lateral, 200 Kelly Road (Report)

Mr. Gantick reported that the Town will soon go out to bid for reconstruction of Kelly Road.  The resident at 200 Kelly Road reported to the Town Engineering Department that their sewer lateral is in front of their neighbor’s property (194 Kelly Road) and that back in 1975 the Town said that they were going to take care of this issue.  The resident provided to the Town letters from the previous Town Attorney supporting their statement.

Mr. Gantick referred to the Memorandum from the Town’s Project Engineer (see Exhibit D) and explained that the Town verified the location of the lateral by using the Town’s track camera.  It’s been determined that the Town’s sewer as-built plans are different from the actual location of the sewer lateral.  Apparently what happened was that their sewer contractor had connected some of the properties to the wrong sewer lateral.  Mr. Gantick reported that the Town staff is having communications with the property owners to resolve this issue through easements.
E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



        1.      Reserve Fund Policy (Review and Approval)

Included with the Agenda was a draft copy of the Reserve Fund Policy (see Exhibit E); this draft copy includes the revisions that were made at the last WPCA meeting.

As Mr. Gantick pointed out, even with the new construction of the Treatment Plant, that itself has a life expectancy that the Authority needs to plan for.  Chairman Aries explained that the proposed policy will allow the ability to plan for major unforeseen impacts to the Water Pollution Control Facilities.  This policy will be subject to annual review.
Motion was made to approve the revised Reserve Fund Policy (see Exhibit E).

The motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)
        No motion was necessary



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz                                           
Recording Secretary                                     

Originally Posted: October 14, 2011
Approved Date: December 6, 2011